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Motion Graphic Character Design
16 Personalities is a website that provides a free questionnaire about themselves such as habits, and social ability, for users to take and get to learn a bit more about themselves. After taking the test they will get back a series of different traits that represent strengths and weaknesses and other traits.

For this project I had decided to design the faces of the characters in my style but similar to theirs and introduce the users to all the characters so that the user who just opens the site for the first time gets a better understanding of what the 16 personalities using one word to describe their strength and weakness.
Graphic Design Portfolio by Carla Coates
 Graphic Design
                Portfolio by Carla Coates

 Graphic Design
                Portfolio by Carla Coates

 Graphic Design
                Portfolio by Carla Coates

 Graphic Design
                Portfolio by Carla Coates

 Graphic Design
                Portfolio by Carla Coates

 Graphic Design
                Portfolio by Carla Coates

The next step was to import my characters into After Effects. To make the video more entertaining and to communicate to the listener the connection between the personality and design I decided to animate the facial expression and certain elements. Some characters have stars in their eyes to represent their dreaminess and bright personalities. Others wink, lift an eyebrow, or have cartoon-like question marks floating around their head. Below, I sketched out a brief outline of how I planned to introduce each character and personality and the overall transitions.

 Graphic Design
                Portfolio by Carla Coates

 Graphic Design
                Portfolio by Carla Coates

 Graphic Design
                Portfolio by Carla Coates